Jerry Rawlings's Ghana disperses Togolese protesters. 27 people arrested will be presented to a judge today
It is not good to be demonstrating the Togolese opposition in Ghana, a barometer of democracy, a good student in the field with all the regular and recurring congratulations of the international community and the Togolese opposition. The latter, taking indeed for a scallop, the country of the twirling captain John Jerry Rawlings - the very one who launched a few weeks ago to the place of the Togolese authorities to recognize, accept and grant the right to Opposition demonstrations - wanted to make the streets of Ghana roar, about the ongoing crisis in our country and in this case the "fuzzy and unclear" claims of the opposition. In Accra, Ghana, last Saturday, trampling on the principles governing public demonstrations, badly took these rogue protesters. The Ghanaian police - a darling of the Togolese opposition among all African police - has not been kind to them. It simply dispersed the protest and arrested 27 of the 300 protesters converging on Kawukudi Park. And a...