In Gbodjomé, a town in the prefecture of the Lakes, two families are fighting for the throne of the traditional chieftaincy so that the reintroduction of Kokou Atti tomorrow may degenerate.
Will the Togbui Kokou Atti reintroduction ceremony take place tomorrow in Gbodjomé? This is the question many are asking. Because the Etou family, whose ancestor is the founder of this village, disputes any legitimacy.
Indeed, Joseph Aboki Etou II, traditional chief of the locality, was dismissed in 2004 in favor of Kokou Atti. Then he is restored to his rights before his decree of recognition is again repealed always for the benefit of his rival.
Brought to justice, the Administrative Chamber of the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Etou family in 2013. But it is Kokou Atti who will be reintroduced tomorrow in violation of this decision of Justice.
Cries of anger in Gbodjomé that some young people are preparing to prevent any enthronement.
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