A traffic accident occurred on Thursday on National No. 1. Two dead and three seriously injured are recorded.
According to our information, the accident occurred yesterday at about 10 hours 40 minutes at the bridge located at the entrance to the town of Blitta.
The NISSAN personal vehicle northbound, on its way up to the bridge, fatally hit two (02) people who wanted to cross the roadway.
Witnesses indicate that the driver tried to avoid the tragedy. But unfortunately, the latter, in his maneuvers, finished his race in the bed of the river with one of the victims after several barrels. The other victim was projected into the ravine about 100 meters from the shore.
"The first victim is Lemou Piya-Abalo, 33 years old and a farmer living in Blitta. The second victim is an apprentice mechanic who also lives in Blitta.
The driver, his wife and his daughter, aged eight eight months, were seriously injured in the accident, and they were evacuated to the Blitta CHP as a matter of urgency.
Dispatched to the scene of the accident, the police of the locality made the usual findings and would have handed the bodies of the two victims to their families.
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