The revision of the electoral code and the establishment of an independent technical CENI for the next elections still monopolize the political debates in Togo. The process of consultation of political parties initiated by the Minister of Territorial Administration, Decentralization and Local Government, Payadowa Boukpessi is variously appreciated.
According to Mahoumet Tchassona Traoré, President of the Citizens Movement for Democracy and Development (MCD), even if this consultation approach is an impediment to the regime's usual methods and strategies, the opposition must be on guard.
"The approach may still be criticized because we are used to the methods of the regime and its way of operating, and it is not they who will give us on a golden plate what we expect of them. Sometimes when someone pretends to die, they pretend to bury him, and I believe that the government is being played by staying on the critics, "said the president of the MCD.
Selon lui, les CENI politiques ont toujours posé des problèmes. Et cette consultation devrait être l'occasion pour "dialoguer" et formuler des propositions au gouvernement sur la manière dont il faut procéder avec la CENI technique.
"Nous au MCD, nous épousons la logique de nos amis de l'opposition qui trouvent que le cadre n'est pas approprié. Mais, le même MCD estime également qu'il faut aller écouter le ministre et lui formuler des propositions", a conseillé Me Mahoumet Tchassona Traoré.
Notons que l'Alliance nationale pour le changement (ANC) a déjà dénoncé la composition de cette CENI dite technique.
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