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Under the sneering look of the "invisible criminals" of the dynasty: Togo's buffoonery of purification puts the count of crimes at zero

Empires are preserved only as they were acquired. " This great experience of Louis XIV, delivered in his Memoirs, corresponds to the situation of the dramas of governance in Togo under the empire of political barbarism, the nameless crimes of a family, a clan that springs from nothingness to perpetrate A regicide, and to establish a mode of preserving power by blood, rape, swindling, coups de force, tawny repression, a real political raid on a burning itinerary transmitted from father to son without the Less respect for popular expression or the general Will.

In fifty years, the empire of crimes has carved out its fortunes and exclusive privileges, relying solely on weapons of war, with the avowed determination never to envisage a possibility of democratic transmission of state power for political alternation Or a relay of regency of the public affairs. The method of simulacra and artifices is in a leaven whip of the most senseless lies which never dissipates the black intentions, the false pretenses and democratic under the popular pressure of a modernity of administration of the " Shared Republic »

The predominantly ethnic chassis that forms the basis of a fifty-year tragedy is palpable in the organization chart of the execution of orders in the army, in the administration, in the major decision-making positions, within militias and troops Strongly protected by an atomic umbrella of impunity. These institutions and henchmen of the dynasty do not feel in any way affected by the numerous investigations and identifications of human rights organizations or otherwise by the accusations of the UN organizations on their license to perpetrate abominable violations against the The human race, the city of civilization.

We should never forget that Eyadema had promised us "to go back a hundred years" if power was to escape him and that his son had given an anointing to the mass crimes of April 2005 by reciting at the Palais des Congrès as Continuity testamentary his will to follow the imprints left of his father.

The game of Reconciliation is only too clear in its selective, subsidiary and groping choices on the Recommendations of the CVJR which, moreover, has never shown us in its long sessions of testimonies of the victims of the barbarism of dynastic regency , The perpetrators and their acts of contrition.

Can the singular irrationality and the aggravating immorality of a comedy of cleansing the native land engorged with blood caused by invisible culprits guarantee us security, serenity and shelter from watchdogs A dynasty always mortal and incorrigible in its intentions of preserving power at any price?

If the real prerequisites for a Reconciliation are spurred on by an insolent provocation of the general Will, by what political alchemy can the Togolese be persuaded to renounce the constitutional right of demonstrating or opposing the coups de force?

1) From redemption to recidivism All developments in this regime are exclusively based on three tables. Faced with an inextricable contest, he proceeds by blind violence: crimes, assassinations. He soon panics because he knows that the popular rejection strikes him permanently because of his archaic practices, his identity retreat, his ethnicist assertion, his socio-economic disaster and the misfortunes he spreads over the populations .

After the episodes of the tragedy he gives rise to, he dwells on incredibly hollow justifications, insensate denials, demonstrations as absurd as they are unlikely without ever acknowledging in his convoluted combinations his responsibility and that of the watchdogs explicitly issued to him The assault of human rights, with the aim of scapegoat without the slightest discernment.

When the disaster is signed and the emotion flames up beyond our borders, it adopts a morbid profile of appeasement processes on the basis of false oaths, dialogue, chords to kick The technique of the burnt earth, its raid, the same crimes, the same crimes.

The evolutionary ritual of the GNASSINGBE dynasty can be seen in the eternal circle of crimes whose authors disguise themselves as peacemakers. On the rubble of the Rally of the Togolese People (RPT), the heir of the system, wants to UNIR the Togolese on the same bases of failure of his father. The burden of the corpses crushes it and the prowess in reverse in the financial scandals to the detriment of the popular masses cost him a legendary lightness.

In the politico-ethical impasse, the relief issue would be propaganda inventions, fantasies to save a dismal face of history with rampart lace like the Truth-Justice and Reconciliation Commission, HCRRUN, ceremonies Purification of Togo. These artifices and mockery have trouble relieving a consciousness of perversion loaded with unsustainable images. What regeneration can an exorcism bring to Togo if, intentionally, all prerequisites are hidden? Where are the criminals? What act of contrition, of forgiveness have they shown the people? Where do we stand in the key recommendations of the CVJR, such as the return of the Constitution of 1992, constitutional reforms, constitutional reform, compensation for victims?

Togo's troubled purification game is the mechanism to put the crime count back to zero. It helps the conscience of criminals and militiamen to give themselves a psychological outlet, because there are some who suffer in their soul from the syndrome of haunting, images of their crimes as one observes in American soldiers of brutal expeditions Including the Gulf War and Afghanistan. The true intent that broods in this personal commitment of the Head of State to provoke a purification of Togo through the HCRRUN machine lies in the delivery of guard dogs to the serious accumulation of traumas. It is therefore necessary to evacuate their emotional burdens from the past in order to bring them up to date with the new challenges of barbaric repression. The reforms of the APG will never be executed by Faure GNASSINGBE. This suggests that the social movements of mobilization and contestation will experience other effervescences which must at all costs be contained by the same methods. Hence, the purification of unclean consciousness prepares for recidivism, new abominations without pain ...

The son of the "helmsman", like his father, does nothing at random, without finding his own account especially when it comes to saving his interests, his throne. We have learned to read it, to decipher its preoccupations and its actions through the development of NAPOLEON I quoted by Las Casas in the Memorial of St. Helena, where he writes: "There are no small events for nations and Kings ; It is they who govern their destiny "

2) The ignorance of time, the limits of purification and repression

The purification clarion of Togo is a simple communication operation to serve as a psychoanalytic cure for guard dogs, sometimes obsessed with images of their own acts, persecuted by their own misdeeds. They are happy to be mentally released by this ritual of rescuing their mind in trouble. They regain the smile of liberation for the deadlines of brutality to come, because the chief and the commander of the armies is not ready for the reforms or the political alternation. A country in search of its destiny must also always expect sacrifices without measures to build a society free from democratic happiness and social well-being. As long as poverty is endemic and national wealth is used to feed the small "faurist" minority to indigestion, as long as the plural concern for reforms does not give any guarantee of democratic evolution in Togo, Munitions and fragmentations will form themselves in the heart of our cities and regions, because the indigence and the cruel privations of individual and collective freedoms are always seditious everywhere. Peoples overcome by the suffocation of the potentates have only the fight as a choice whatever this option of constraint costs them.

A leaven of grief is perceptible throughout the country; He is in a whip of popular mobilization. The more exasperating the torture, the less the fear inhibits the action. The voluntary confinement of the anachronistic dynasty on our soil is the best enemy who undoubtedly digs an indecent burial. She has the weakness of strength and only believes in herself. All social asperities and political mounds form a chain of obstacles often, and often more deadly, to the princes who blindfold their eyes with the hope of crossing them by "the bravery of cruelty."

Moreover, the world is evolving so rapidly that what was able to succeed in the strategy of spoliation, rapine and terror twelve years ago, revealed itself in mass crimes dishonestly covered by obscure friendships Can serve as a ghost for a true alliance of disengagement with the slightest desire for recidivism. The horde of parvenus-plunderers who has handed down our state-owned societies and financial agencies with childish pretensions to confiscate power forever, in its dynamics of license and impunity expose oneself to a notch of conscience A choice of popular glory, an option of citizen dignity, a republican start and a massive expression of the human conscience that escapes the grasp of the tyrant

Political barbarism at its limits and artifices do not have long life, because they defeat to let the truth triumph. The purification of Togo is a rescue of the troops of political crime and a militia of repression and not a choice of exorcism of any misfortune on our country. Those who are obsessed with horrible scenes of their own crimes, and who are thought to relieve or heal by ill-tied rituals, are the most exposed to relapses of their evil, which they do not think they can get away with. A truncated psychoanalysis, according to Sigmund FREUD, never succeeds in preserving the patient

The purification of Togo is a vain little adventure which illustrates the active emptiness of reflection and the dinarmarres of conceptual morbidities exhibited in a fair with castrated hopes as evidence of political intelligence of a laboratory of political wanderings and solitary reveries


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