The information has been made public by our colleagues of Fm Liberté.com. Koku Wotodzo, his wife Eva and his three children Perpetua 11 years, Marcus 7 years and Francis 4 years will be deported to Lomé for invalidity of residence permit.
It is clear that this muscular return is a total disillusionment for the small family. They have lived in Australia for 11 years after spending part of their lives in Denmark. The family arrived there with an international student visa, but tried for three years to obtain a permanent residence permit without success. It was in this quest that the Australian authorities decided to deport them.
"Togo is an underdeveloped country. Australia has better health and education infrastructure to ensure the future of our children who were born and raised here. I am afraid that such a radical change will affect their well-being, "the compatriot said.
And to continue: "Australia is our home and it is the only place that my children have known. I myself have only been to Togo twice in 21 years. Apart from my brother, I have no family in Togo. If I return to Togo I will be like a stranger in my own country. It will be hard for me and my family. "
Koku Wotodzo, professor at the Business School in Flinders is truly appreciated by his institution. At the moment, negotiations are underway (a letter of support to the Minister of Immigration) to support his wish to stay in Australia, it is learned. In case the small family will be forced to regain the fold, in spite of it.
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