Yark Damehame, Minister of Security and Civil Protection, is assigned to the International Criminal Court (ICC) for his role in the repression of the synchronized march of the Pan-African National Party (PNP) on 19 August in Lomé and some cities from the country.
Complaint against DAMEHANE Yark (Togo)
Brussels, 22 August 2017
To the attention of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Cup
Office of the Prosecutor Boite Postale 19519 2500 CM, The Hague The Netherlands
E - mail: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi. Int
Fax +31 70 515 8555
Subject; Complaint against Mr Damehane Yark, Minister for Security and Civil Protection on the subject of the barbarity of 19 August 2017
Madam Prosecutor,
The families and relatives of the victims of Saturday, August 19, 2017, the Togolese Collective living in Belgium, Germany, France, United States of America, Canada and the National Liberation Movement of Togo hereby, in accordance with article 15 of the statutes of Rome, to file a complaint against Mr Damehame YARK, an officer of the Togolese Armed Forces (FAT), Minister of Security and Civil Protection, concerning his participation and the leading role he played in the Preparation and orchestration of the bloody and barbaric repression of the day of the peaceful march of 19 August 2017 organized simultaneously in the cities of Lomé, Sokodé, Kara, Anié, Bafilo etc. by the Pan-African National Party (PNP) Supported by the CAP 2015 political groupings, GROUPE DES SIX,The collective movement of the Civil Society and the Togolese Diaspora called the National Movement of Liberation of Togo.
Indeed, Mr. Damehane YARK, through his declarations held on the airwaves of several public and private media at a public press conference, clearly called for repression, solely responsible for the barbaric repression of the peaceful demonstrators marching Bare hands. These repressions and subsequent massacres in the city of Sokodé marked the apotheosis of what we call crimes against humanity within the meaning of Article 7 of the Rome Statute, Against humanity, serious acts committed against a civilian population in the context of a widespread or systematic attack on political, racial or other grounds; National, ethnic or religious origin (art. 7).
In the light of the facts mentioned above and corroborated by the documents, videos and videos attached to this document, we file a complaint against Mr Damehame Yark and we are a civil party.
May it please you, Madam Prosecutor, to initiate a prosecution against YARK, through the opening of a Preliminary Review and Extended Investigations, as several concurring voices have called on the latter not to carry out the threats Had been prevailed for 48 hours before the media (Parts 1 2 and 3 PDF format).
Relying on your diligence, we ask you to receive the expression of the distress of the Togolese people, in love with peace and justice, who hopes to find an adequate response to your institution that will put an impoverished torturer in the service of A regime of more than fifty years of crimes against humanity.
For the plaintiffs,
Inoussa Mama Sani
Inventory of Attachments
- 1 support Cd containing: Photos and videos of the barbarity of 19/08
- Statement of the PNP read by TIKPI ATCHADAM
- 3 papers: Six-G6, 1 declaration of the CAP 2015 political grouping, 1 declaration of the Association of Torture Victims of TOGO-ASVITTO
- Council of the European Union
- European Parliament
- German Chancellery
- US Congress
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