Allow me to quote Vladimir Jankélévitch.
"To forget would be killed a second time"
Togolese citizens, Gnassingbeism is a system of suffering and increased misery towards the Togolese people, while enjoying torture, abuse, gabegie, he will remain a prisoner of the primitive, And will never have the pleasures of education, according to the proper dispositions of humanism, nobility of soul, and social good.
Gnassingbeism is synonymous with conflicting relations, the proximity of people without contractual capacities (without words), barbaric lowering, violence, frustrations.
More than fifty years passed after the odious assassination of Sylvanus Olympio, the father of the Togolese nation, That the Togolese partisans of Liberty (Ablodé) take possession again of their struggle of the blooming, of progress inside Togo as in the diaspora.
The witnesses and the actors of the events of independence, of the victory of 1958, the resistance fighters disappear with their memories and leave our generation in front of a future and a transmission of witness like like an Olympic relay race.
We owe everything to their courage, their organization, their strategy of freedom, their know-how, their desire for freedom, destiny and African dignity.
Today we must better control our struggle for resistance in a globalization in which the colonists of yesterday and the neocolonialists are more than present in the decision-making of our future, our daily lives.
We must better organize with increased vigilance, give a place to the founding elements of the resistance, maintain them, make a legend to galvanize the current populations.
We must re-enchant the songs of the resistance of our grand parents, the resistance, Ablodé until victory.
We must reorganize, through socio-political networks and connivances, resistance and allow our people and the Diaspora to think for themselves, to organize themselves on common themes for a movement of thought that would translate an aspiration, Deep common renovation, powerful and passionate Ablodé resistance.
We must form small teams working as seasoned activists to preserve the safety of members who have adopted the Ablodé themes, locate the fifth column, marginalize it, mislead it and fight it.
Each cell should operate on an autonomy to form its mode of operation and its strategy to destroy the autocratic regime that undermines the existence of an entire country.
Let us form national and international networks of socio-professional and youth resistance.
Journalists, traders, civil servants, artists, sportsmen, soldiers, policemen, gendarmes, customs officers, internal security and students.
Let us liberate ourselves from the bloody dictatorship, requires daily work, A focus on this goal, a temerity and an organization with a proactive, disciplined team and a faith in freedom.
We have the example of the countries of Latin America, where the democracies have struggled to put an end to these wild geese that have shed blood everywhere, destroying the lives of families and youth in Operation Condor, which consisted of A campaign of assassination of the secret services of Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Only the resistance won and the authors, despite their advanced age were tried to answer for their multiple crimes.
Today we are witnessing the same story in Burkina Faso.
The authors of the Burkinabe evil are in prison, years after their forfeiture, in exile or in maquis.
No dictatorship anywhere has survived in time, that of Togo has lasted too long because in our ranks there is a fifth column decided to defeat the popular will, to delay Togo on the African continent for its voracious greed Of our public funds.
Citizens, citizens, meditate through this quote from Julien GEEN.
"There is a strange satisfaction in touching the depths of despair; The excess of misfortune provides a kind of security, a haven of grace for the wrecked soul who no longer dares to believe. »
Jacob ATA-AYI To delay Togo on the African continent for its voracious greed of our public funds. Citizens, citizens, meditate through this quote from Julien GEEN. "There is a strange satisfaction in touching the depths of despair; The excess of misfortune provides a kind of security, a haven of grace for the wrecked soul who no longer dares to believe. » Jacob ATA-AYI To delay Togo on the African continent for its voracious greed of our public funds. Citizens, citizens, meditate through this quote from Julien GEEN. "There is a strange satisfaction in touching the depths of despair; The excess of misfortune provides a kind of security, a haven of grace for the wrecked soul who no longer dares to believe. » Jacob ATA-AYI
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