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Mrs. Brigitte Adjamagbo-Johnson "Time to procrastinate is behind us"

The Democratic Convention of the African Peoples (CDPA) held a meeting on Sunday in the city of Atakpamé. An opportunity for its Secretary-General, Mrs. Brigitte Adjamagbo-Johnson, through what can be called "Appeal of Akapame", to send a word to all the democratic forces for a single action to disengage the regime. Read more!

Distinguished guests;
Population of Ogou;
Comrades of the Cdpa.

I am very happy to find you, but my pleasure is stifled by the violence programmed and executed by the state power against our brothers and sisters whose only wrong is to want to walk peacefully to tell those who steal our votes that enough is enough.
My heart is bruised! I said this in the message I sent yesterday to our brother TikpiAtchadam.

For fifty years, the dictatorial and predatory forces took everything from us and put Togo out of business.

Professor Goeh Akué has largely explained how this fiftieth anniversary regime has worked to create social problems that are constantly growing; How he killed our school, that African pride; How it has transformed most of our health facilities into a mask where the courage of the nursing staff is no longer sufficient. In a word, he told us how this system plunged Togolese and Togolese into black misery and poverty and made Togo, the land of our ancestors, the laughingstock of the world.

Pascal Adoko told us why we must return to the constitution of 1992 and do together and in agreement the reforms imposed on us by the global political agreement signed since 2006, 11 years today. He also told you why we need to carry out decentralization and go to fair and transparent local elections.

Population of the Ogou
Before going back to the dramatic events of yesterday which are still going on today, let me add that the fiftieth anniversary regime, in the annihilation of Togo, has spared no locality including l Ogou.

It acts or encourages in several prefectures the land problems that divide the communities. In Ogou, after Djéréhouyè, it is the letter from the Minister of Territorial Administration, Local Government and Decentralization, based on a vague decree of public utility declaration that orders the CEB to extend the Pre-emption area of ​​the reservoir of the Nangbéto Dam from five kilometers to ten kilometers. No sooner said than done ; Topographers are sent to delimit the new perimeter of the Nangbéto dam; Shrinking the area of ​​arable land. This regime wants our farmers in the area to grow where?

This regime through its silence also encourages the practice of fishing in the Nagbetopar Dam some privileged to the detriment of the natives of the locality; It is also an injustice
I can not ignore the question of fertilizer, which is sold and delivered without difficulty to some farmers while others have to go out of their way to buy it.

I would also point out that while many of the lowlands in Togo and especially in the Ogou are opportunities to develop agriculture and to regulate rural employment somewhat, this fiftieth anniversary regime prefers to distribute Of the hoes here, speaking of development at the base, but leaving the peasants very hardly to extract their income from poor lands. Meanwhile, the regime does not know what to do with the money that IFAD has given us to develop agricultural entrepreneurship, to the point where the latter threatens to repatriate its funds. How can we understand this? If not, to keep our poor farmers and our young people in misery in order to make them electoral cattle.

Population of the Ogou

This fiftieth anniversary regime has also overly politicized our traditional festivals

Hold ! The period of valuation, this rite of initiation so dear and rightly called auxkabyè has become a fair where the companies of the place are obliged to expose, a privileged period of encounter where businessmen and all those who have ambitions Should be noted.
But worse: the intrinsic prowess of young wrestlers is swept away by sprains of customary rules. The victors must imperatively come from the canton of the head of state. Tired of these arrangements that date from the late Eyadéma, the Kabaeans rightly, firmly protested at Yadè-Bohou and then at Pya, obliging the Head of State to empty the place.

But before the prefecture of Kozah, there was the prefecture of the Lakes, where after the disruption of several editions of the ceremonies of Kpessso, for dark political purposes, two sacred stones were taken as an oracle for the same Guin community.

The politicization of our traditional festivals is worse than ebola; She did not spare the prefecture of the Ogou where yams festival (ondootchou or te san) knew the fate that you all know.

Population of the Ogou

It is not only our traditional festivals that are misguided; This fiftieth anniversary system also devalued our traditional chieftainship, banalizing our venerable representatives.

This iniquitous system made them auxiliaries of the administration to see the valets of the political authorities, while the law is very clear: our chiefs are the guardians of customs and usages. When our leaders dare to say what they think, intimidation and other threats are coming.

Hold in our prefecture the Ogou, because chiefs have dared to protest against the decoration to the national order of two presumed murderers, we unleash the machine to grind the protestors to invectiver, stigmatize and irony to accuse them To be relays of "Madame Adjamagbode la Cdpa"; Because I AlémaGboguiAdjamagbo Johnson I signed before these leaders an open letter written to the Head of State.

Population of Ogou

Recruitment in our national army, even though it is carried out in all the prefectures, continues to be carried out on a politico-ethnic basis. Of the number recruited in the Ogou, how many are ife, woudou, kabyès, cotocoli etc. I challenge the Chief of Staff to take stock of what I said.

On the other hand, conflicts between non-native and indigenous populations are also increasing in our localities. This fiftieth anniversary power does not stop distilling in communities that have always lived together, seeds of discord. His cynicism has been revealed in recent months in Lama Tessi in the Tchaoudjo, in Djéréhouyè and Fin Digue in the Ogou.

What does this power of our tradition claim to revalue? When an alien leader living on a foreign land would die, what funeral ceremonies would he be re- served to and where would he be buried in the receiving land or in the village of origin?

It is inadmissible to impose on an indigenous community a leader from an alien community on the pretext that there are more members of the community. In order to resolve this issue, the Cpa is constantly saying: organize local elections where, on the basis of the law of the majority, the people will choose their mayor who will live in good understanding with the chiefs of cantons or villages that make up the commune.

Allow me to make a parenthesis to clarify that every Togolese must feel at ease everywhere in Togo as soon as he respects the customs and habits of his host country without alienating his own. For social peace between communities there must be harmonious coexistence and mutual respect.

On the other hand, we will never admit, in the long run, the impunity of acts of violation of the rights of the populations and any exaction.

We will never encourage, I never say witch hunt, regionalism, xenophobia and some other nonsense?

We want and wish to Togo peace, a necessary condition for sustainable human development.

My sisters, my brothers;

We do not understand and do not accept that the Head of State can decorate and enroll Major Kouloum and his henchman in the national order for service to the nation.

What service have they rendered to the nation? What a service we are told! Divide non-natives and indigenous people in the plateau area or sow discord between communities, even in their own Rpt / Unir camp?

This is an example of impunity that leads some people in this country to believe that they are untouchable and to believe themselves to be above the laws and public authority.

If not, how can we understand that in the land problem of Djéréhouyè in the Ogou, the non-indigenous populations refuse to obey the orders of the prefect of the Ogou, the officer commanding the platoon gendarmerie company, the chief township of Houdou; But are quickly executed when Major Kouloum, a retired gendarmerie officer, arrives last, as he is accustomed to, and asks them to calm down, is he still in the Republic?

It is still in the Republic when the offices of the prefecture of Ogou are sometimes transported to the house of this retired gendarmerie NCO? Finally, we must believe that Major Kouloum is the de facto governor of the plateau region.

Distinguished guests;
Population of Ogou;
Comrade militants of the Cpa.

All this is revolting and the populations are tired.

That is why you have seized the opportunity of the passage of the Awa Nana commission to spit out the truth; Tell him you want reforms and get rid of this regime.
That is why our brothers and sisters from different localities are still out this August 19, 2017 to walk peacefully to say: enough! Give us back our 1992 constitution and we will take care of you.

The only answer that the power knows when it is afraid is violence. You all learned it. He fired on the people who were demonstrating peacefully. Once again, unnecessary deaths are reported, according to the president of the PNP and 2 according to the minister of security; injuried people ; Of those arrested. The PNP leaders were intimidated and called for the march.

The planned state violence has practically unfolded as announced by the Minister of Security on the antennas of the private radio Victoire fm, while it is supposed to ensure the protection of walkers.

I bow to the memory of those killed and offer my condolences to the families in mourning.

For us it is the Head of State who is celebrating in Rwanda while his country is burning, who is responsible for this situation because it does not say and does nothing tangible to punish similar facts that preceded this last repression.

Today, Togo is still in crisis and with an explosive situation that has been increasing in recent days.

In this historical and political context it is illusory to believe that a single party can face this fiftieth anniversary regime carried at arm's length by officers of our army.

At the Cpa, it is our credo since 1992. This is what motivated the appeal of Tchekpo "democracy first, multiparty after".

Let us also have the courage to recognize and to say it, our egos have taken precedence over the common interest and this is one of the sources of our failures.

Today it is clear that our small ambitions are no longer in line with the salvation of Togo. We must react quickly, before it is too late.

Concretely, we must very quickly, I say extremely federally energies and initiatives. It is an obligatory passage, otherwise it is a collective suicide awaits us.

For the Cpa, it is the moment or never to join all the democratic forces to face this fiftieth anniversary regime whose governance has brought only poverty, precariousness, deprivation and constant violation of fundamental human rights. We must mobilize from Djankassé to Cinkassé.

It is time that the political parties without calculation agree on a minimum for this mobilization.

It is time for civil society to play its part, which is to mobilize everywhere;
It is time for the media to encourage the positive synergies of the democratic forces and to stop raising the slightest dissension within them;

The people must overcome their fear after this fierce repression and prepare to stand in battle order to say this president there, this fiftieth anniversary system there, they have to leave and they will leave.

In a word, we'll have to open our eyes before it's too late.

Yes, the time to procrastinate is behind us.

It is necessary to define quickly, very quickly a platform of minimal agreement for the general mobilization of the people. Personally and in concert at CAP 2015 we will be working to this end.

In all, 50 years after our accession to international sovereignty, the chaotic situation of our country is of concern to everyone, especially to political parties. It appeals to all the girls and sons of our country. Big clouds are on the horizon. It would not be reasonable to wait for the storm before seeking refuge. Let us avoid to our people what can be compared to a collective suicide. Bold initiatives are taken and must be consolidated before it is too late.

We are condemned to defeat together ...


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