"In fact, Mr. Damehane YARK made statements by public and private media during a public press conference calling clearly for repression, the only one responsible for the barbaric repression of peaceful demonstrators marching the naked hands, "stipulated the complaint signed since August 22nd. Documents, images and videos were attached to the file to corroborate the facts. The civil party must be satisfied with the acknowledgment of receipt dated 04 September, that it was addressed by the ICC. The Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court acknowledges receipt of your documents / your letter , reads the letter signed by Mark Dillon, Head of the Information and Evidence Unit.
The ICC states: We will not fail to inform you in writing of the decision that has been taken on this subject, as well as the reasons that justify it . Even though he is occasionally seen in major official events, Minister Yark has observed a curious silence, since the barbarity of 19 August.
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