Interview / Bassabi Kagbara, President of the PDP: "We support all initiatives that can lead to constitutional and institutional reforms"
The Pan-African Democratic Party (PDP) is following with interest the current socio-political situation in Togo. Following the events of Saturday, August 19, 2017, its president, Bassabi Kagbara, never stopped intervening, first of all, by calling on the head of state to make the reforms, a guarantee of lasting peace, by supporting the initiatives of his opposition comrades to arrive at those reforms so much demanded by the Togolese people. In an interview with our Editorial, Mr. Kagbara returned to his party's position. Reading ! Hello Mr. President, do you call your activists to respond on 06 and 07 September to the opposition's call to protest?
Bassabi Kagbara: We support all initiatives that can lead to constitutional and institutional reforms. So, yes, we are asking our militants to go down to the streets to demand the reforms on September 6th and 7th in peace and without violence, in a peaceful way.
What has really happened with your friends in the opposition during the 2015 presidential election?
We had explained to our friends our position; but unfortunately they did not take this seriously and in their suicidal logic allowed Faure GNASSINGBE to settle comfortably without making the reforms during the 2015 presidential election.
We had never believed, at the moment, that the opposition was in a position to bring down this regime by 2015, and the facts that followed us were right.
What is your strategy, Mr President, with regard to the new situation?
It is clear to all the Togolese that we have a new leader, who naturally imposed himself on the recent events in the person of TIKPI Atchadam who, with the support of all the living forces of the nation, can lead the fight for the " alternation in our dear country, Togo.
We observe the PNP vision for two (02) years (more thoughtful and more structured), which joins ours in a broad coalition of action, which can lead to the victory of the opposition.
In these difficult times what is your word to the Togolese authorities?
We will assume our responsibilities as leaders of political parties and ask the President of the Republic to take his courage with both hands to either return to the constitution of 92, or the renewed CPDC project, or on the basis of recommendations from UNHCRRUN, but in the shortest possible time, to avoid the chaos in the country.
We call on all parties to restraint to avoid bloody clashes, with harmful consequences for peace and national harmony.
May God bless Togo!
Thank you.
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