The reaction of the National Alliance for Change (ANC) was not long in anticipation of the controversial exit of Christophe Tchao who accused the opposition, notably the party of Jean-Pierre Fabre to have closed the consensus .
In fact, the chairman of the UNIR parliamentary group only supported the position of the President of the National Assembly who, implicitly, rejected the ANC and ADDI's bill, referring the debate to the Commission for Reflection on reforms.
But for Christophe Tchao, Dama Dramani does not reject the proposal. Rather, he would ask for the postponement of this proposal, since he said the opposition refused to agree.
A proposal rejected by the president of the ANC parliamentary group, Me Isabelle Améganvi. According to him, the President of the National Assembly is obliged to comply with the injunctions of the Constitutional Court.
"I do not know if the President of the National Assembly has a discharge and authority not to execute a decision of the Constitutional Court. The decision of the Constitutional Court is there and she says that the commission must do its Report and table this report on the office of the National Assembly, to be sent to the next plenary assembly, "said Isabelle Ameganvi.
She said that she was shocked when those who had to control the government's action and vote for the laws themselves began to violate them. And to remind Christophe Tchao that the proposal of laws is not an invention of the opposition.
"This bill is not a find, not an invention of the century, but a copy of commitments made in the APG," she said.
It remains nevertheless serene as to the culmination of this proposal of laws.
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