On Thursday, in front of the deputies in the National Assembly, the Minister of Security, Yark Damehame returned to the tragedy that occurred in Agoè last February, at the demonstration of drivers against rising fuel prices.
The death of the young driver, shot dead, revolted public opinion. Yark Damehame promised an investigation to locate the responsibilities. Yesterday in front of the deputies, he claimed that It was a lost ball that reached the young Alabi.
"The government has not deliberately chosen to get there. This is a deplorable situation for all. If the fellow had been shot at close range, the bullet would not have remained in his abdomen, it would have pierced it. He was even in his vehicle when the bullet hit him. Several shots took place that day and it can be said that it was a stray bullet that hit him, "he said.
This demonstration, according to the Minister of Security, is far from being described as peaceful. And to justify: "When you demonstrate and people erect barricades here and there, it is no longer a peaceful demonstration. The elements you somed once, twice and then it's finished, it does not reach three. If you refuse, they charge you. "
However, these explanations did not convince members. But according to the minister, the investigation is continuing.
He also said that the commander of the units of the security forces who were on the scene as well as the security forces concerned were punished. And in the days to come, it will be the turn of the demonstrators who burned the bus of Sotral.
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