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More Shocking And Fascinating Facts About Sex You Probably Don't Know

Most psychologists and marriage counselors will agree that sex is an extremely important part of every romantic relationship arguably the most important even though few wouldn’t dare admit it openly. Sex is something you engage in with your partner that you don’t do with anyone else. Of course, you can also embrace, talk to, and kiss your partner to express your love, but you usually do these things with your mother, your siblings, and even your friends. Sex, on the other hand, is the definitive act that draws the line between the kinds of relationships we have with people. Further, sex as a unique expression of intimacy appears to have numerous benefits for one’s life and health, as many studies have shown: it’s a stress reliever, it reduces the risk of cancer (especially prostate cancer in men), reduces pain in many cases, improves sleep and can even cure insomnia in some instances, it even enhances skin and overall health. Most importantly however, sex between a man and a woman is the natural means of reproduction, perpetuating the human race. In other words, one could claim that sex is life. These are Odd and Bizarre Facts About Sex You Probably Didn’t Know.

Jonah Falcon is having the largest joystick in the world, is 13.5 inches.

According to The State University of New York study, semen can help fight depression. Semen contains chemicals that elevate mood, increase affection, and induce sleep. It also contains cortisol, which is known to increase feelings of affection in the brain.

 The average female orgasm lasts twenty seconds - fourteen seconds longer than the male orgasm.

Good looking men have stronger sperm. During a study in Spain women were shown pictures of men and asked to rank them according to their attractiveness. The men that the women found to be the best looking were most often the best sperm producers.

Babies can get boners in the womb, so can corpses.

It takes two tablespoons of blood to get the average joystick erect.

Studies have shown that eighty-five percent of men who die of heart attacks during intercourse were cheating on their wives.

Despite many people using it as a common excuse to avoid sex, sex can actually relieve a headache since it releases the tension, which restricts blood vessels in the brain.

A teaspoon of semen contains approximately five calories. Half an hour of intense sex burns off an average of one hundred to two hundred calories.

The vibrator, a common intimacy gadget for women, was originally designed in the nineteenth century to fight the anxiety-related symptoms of hysteria.

The earliest known illustration of a man using a condom during sexual intercourse is painted on the wall of a cave in France. It is dated between twelve thousand and fifteen thousand years old.

Most women who lose their virginity between ages fifteen and nineteen actually wish they had waited a bit longer. Additionally, most teenagers lose their virginity by age 17, but those who have not lost their virginity by 24 tend to stay a virgin.

 This is one of the weird sex facts that most of us have not heard about before. During intercourse, your inner nose swells just as your breasts and genitals will. This is most notably due to the increased flow of blood while having intercourse.

 Contrary to what men and women are led to believe, the sizeof a man’s joystick fully erect is not really that important.

 We all know you need to be in good health to have great sex, but studies show that lower cholesterol is directly related to abetter performance in the bedroom.

 Humans are not the only ones interested in performing MouthAction, wolves, bears and bats are also known to participate in the practice quite often.

 For men under the age of 40, their average time to erection is a mere ten seconds. For some it is shorter, and if it is much longer than ten seconds, it may be an indication of erectile dysfunction.

Some people are wired to have more sex than others. Scientists are not entirely sure why this is, but it is true in both males and females. Some will want more, while others will want less; it just depends on how their brain is wired.

Women have the ability to make their voice sound “sexier” in order to entice their men when needed. Men, however, do not possess such an ability and simply have to rely on other factors.

Approximately 60% of men who get aroused have erect Tips. In fact, the Tips are just as sensitive in men as they are in women, which is why so many men get erect Tips.

Most people under the age of 35 check their Facebook and Twitter accounts after a rollin the hay(sex). Hopefully, they are not posting any pictures.

Even though straight women reported only being aroused by men, researchers at the Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, found that most women in a study became aroused by every sexual stimulus they saw including nude male and female bodies, heterosexual and homosexual sex and even animal sex.

Physically talking about sex makes sex better.

People who are more open to talking about sex are actually happier with their sex lives, according toLive Science.

Left testicles usually hang lower than right testicles. We’ll give you a second to check.

 As men grow older, their joystick gradually shrinks.

 A survey by Durex condoms found that Greeks have the most sex.

Only 25% of women reach orgasm from intercourse alone. An estimated 10-15% are unable to climax at all.

37% of men and 25% of women 50-80 gave MouthAction in the past year, reports the Indiana University Journal of Sexual Medicine. You’re not the only thing your grandparents kiss with those lips.

 Penile enlargement surgery onlyadds half an inch on average.

 Only 21.6% of men have had15 or more sexual partners by the time they hit 50. 

Sex makes women's hair shinier and their skin glow because of all the extra oestrogen it causes them to produce.

Whales are the owners of the world's largest joystick. The biggest recorded whale joystick was the 8-footer of a killer whale.

There are roughly 100 million acts of sexual intercourse each day.

The Ancient Egyptians used dried crocodile dung as a contraceptive as it has spermicidal properties.

 In 2005, a couple broke the world record for the longest unbroken kiss. They did it for an exhausting 31 hours, 30 minutes and 30 seconds.

 25% of couples over 75 still sexually active.

 Besides humans, bonobo chimps and dolphins are the only animals that have sex for pleasure.

 Telling a convincing lie to someone is much more difficult when you find them sexually attractive.

 Apparently on average pre-intimacy lasts 11 to 13 minutes.

 Orgasms are a great way to relieve period pains.

 70% of men in relationships always have an orgasm with their partner whilst only 29% of women do.

 A quarter of joysticks are slightly bent when erect.

 Under half of men think their joystick is too small whereas 85% of women are very satisfied with their partner’s joystick size.

 The average amount of time spent kissing for a person in a lifetime is 20,160 minutes.

 It’s estimated that a man will produce 14 gallons of semen in his lifetime.

Weight loss increases the size of a man's joystick. For every 35 pounds of fat lost, the fat at the base decreases enough to give them an extra inch.

Researchers from the University of California found out that men who helped out with housework got sex 50 percent more than those who didn't.

The average driver will have sex in a car six times in their lifetime.

"Ithyphallophobia" is the fear of having or seeing an erected joystick.

The average guy takes three minutes to orgasm while the average woman takes up to 10 minutes to climax.

Straight men tend to have smaller joysticks than gay men.

 The women most likely to engage in anal sex are white women with college degrees.

 Chinese women have more sexual partners than anyone else in the world. On average, each Chinese woman will have 19 sexual partners.

 Men who have an active sex life have a longer life expectancy, past 80 years on average.

 Women over 40 years of age are more likely to masturbate than any other group.

 The sale of intimacy gadgets is banned in Alabama and Mississippi.

 A woman is more likely to want to commit adultery during ovulation than any other time in her cycle.

 With nothing holding him back, a joystick can shoot semen 12 to 24 inches away.

For every seven seconds, adult men think about sex.

 The well-known blue pill, Viagra designed to help with erectile dysfunction, made $411 million profits within the first three months of its launch in 1998. It is $1.8 billion in 2003.

 American Psychiatric Association has listed Homosexuality as a mental illness until 1973. Later it is removed and considered as orientation.

 A female is born with a finite amount of eggs and will produce them throughout her lifetime. Whereas The average males produces millions of new sperm daily.

 The second common place for sex for adults in the U.S. to havesex is the car. First comes bedroom.

 Endorphin which is released during sexual activity can act as pain killers. Endorphins create a euphoria similar to that producedby opioid drug.

 Sperm has a tightening effect on skin, hence it can be considered as an anti aging treatment.

If you want a Ultimate orgasm, abstain form all sexual activityfor 3 weeks. In this time your testosterone levels will be at peak and boost your libido.

 Orgasms can make women more creative, productive and confident and women achieve fuller orgasms when they are being creative.

 30% of women approximately have trouble reaching orgasm

Women are more involved in sex. They are having sex 17% more often than the average guy.

 Sex induces good sleep.

 Sex keeps you healthy. Risk of heart disease can be lowered by 30% and diabetes by 40%, by having sex at least once a week.

 The risk of getting prostate cancer can be reduced by having at four orgasms a week.

Mouth Action Reduces the risk of Breast cancer.

Breast cancer is becoming very common in the women after the age of 40. Another very crucial benefit of Mouth Action is that it actually lowers the risk of breast cancer in a lady. It has been proved that women who indulge in oral sexual activities atleast 2 times a week are at a comparatively lower risk of having breast cancer in later life. The semen has got the chemicals that prevent the growth of this type of cancer.

Anti Ageing.

Sperm has a chemical known as Spermidine which helps your cells to age at a slower rate. You do not need to coat it onyour face but just take it in. This will help you a lot more than any other anti-aging cream available in the market.

If you want to address the clitoris, labia and vagina together, vulva is the all-encompassing term.

 50 to 75 percent of women who have climaxes (orgasms) need to have their clitoris touched (clitoral stimulation). Most women are unable to have an organs through intercourse alone.

 The clitors is only partially visible to the Unclad eye. The clitors is actually close to four inches in length (kinda like the average non-erect joystick) but three fourths of it is hidden from view within a female’s body. It's buried treasure. Think of all that pleasure potential in the entire region. Have you explored it?

 The clitoris varies in size and shape on different women. Some are hidden under the hood, and some stick out. Some like to be touched softly and others like a lot of pressure. It takes time to get to know a woman's clitoris. Don't assume that you know what it likes. Take your time and get to know each unique clitoris, just like you would take the time to get to know the woman it is attached to.

 The clitoris is designed to bring a woman pleasure. That is its sole purpose, not reproduction.

 The clitoris contains 8,000 deliciously sensitive nerve endings, double the nerve endings in the glans of a joystick

 The clitoris grows throughout a woman's life. After menopause the clitoris can become 2.5 times larger than it was when the same woman was a teenager. No wonder that some women have stronger orgasms in mid life and into their fifties and beyond and maybe size doesn't matter at all i don't think that there has been an actually study about clitoris size in relation to pleasure. And I don't think that women have a size thing about their clitoris, the way men do around joystick size.

Male sperm can live up to 5 days.

Male sperm is surprisingly resilient. Sperm inside a woman’s vagina can live in her cervical mucus or upper genital tract for 3-5 days. Provided the sperm remains alive, it may even be able to fertilise the egg, too. Sperm ejaculated outside the body is less tough, it can survive up to a few hours.

Semen can be used as um, invisible ink.

During World War I, members of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)discovered you could use semen as invisible ink. Apparently, it didn’t react with iodine vapour (the main method used to detect invisible ink) and, as a bonus, it was also readily available. They stopped using it once they realised that it began to smell if it wasn’t fresh.

There's a reason why it's hard to wee after sex.

After you orgasm, your body releases an anti-diuretic hormone, which explains why you may have trouble urinating directly after sex. 

* Stick with it though, going to the loo after sex helps to prevent urinary tract infections.

You can increase your bust size by having sex.

Lastly... Ladies, forget push-up bras just get frisky instead. A woman’s breasts can swell up 25 per cent when she's aroused. And about one per cent of women are able to orgasm through the stimulation of their breasts and Tips alone.


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