In Guizhou, China, this little boy's parents are busy harvesting as his 90-year-old grandmother takes a quick break to enjoy a tender moment with him. This photo was taken at a cemetery in Manila, the Philippines, where a community of homeless people live, including this child who has found a balloon to play with among the unclaimed bones and bodies. Li was admitted to the Changchun weight loss centre last year where he undergoes traditional Chinese treatments including fire therapy, pictured, which involves burning a mixture of ingredients on a cloth over his stomach. A small child in Togo, West Africa, with fresh wounds which will turn into scars, typical of the Soma tribe. In Benin, West Africa, a two-year-old member of the Betamarribe tribe endures a painful scarification ceremony in keeping with his ancient heritage. In Mumbai, India, a little girl undergoes a Navjote, pictured, a ceremony similar to baptism which welcomes her into th...