Deception, many times, may present itself in numerous ways. In fact, infidelity to me is a form of deception and so, it is not just the fact that a person has slept with another person that hurts so much. It is the deception that accompanied the whole charade as well that contributes to the awful feeling.
However, if the deception does not present itself as unfaithfulness but some other type like lies, is it still enough to walk away? For most people, they believe that infidelity is the only basis for divorce and anything else can be condoned. Yet, in my opinion, trust is like when you crumple a paper tightly and then try to smoothen it out. No matter how hard you try, you cannot get it to be as smooth as it was before. Likewise, marriage is founded on love and trust. You may still love a person but if you lose trust you can’t commit to that person anymore and the process of earning the trust back is tedious. In fact, things you never had to do it in the first place will have to be done, quite painfully to gain that trust back.
Now, as to the issue of whether lies of some sort are enough reason to get divorced, I do not believe there is a specific yardstick for that. Personally, I hate divorce and I believe that forgiveness is always the way to go but I am not the one who has to deal with the pain and shame of being deceived so really, it is up to you. Is the hurt of deception something you are willing to throw all the years and investment away for?
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