We all want to be happy in life, it is the ultimate goal of every human being in all their pursuits. Our definition of happiness starts out simple-minded parents, our friends, a warm meal at the end of the day. As we grow older, we start to realize that there are other things involved in achieving happiness. People, including your parents start to let you down, so your expectations change and you start to look for happiness in other things like money.
Money is the reason why we get an education in courses we are not passionate about and languish in jobs we hate. For most people, this is where it ends. They retire and spend the rest of their days adrift.
It doesn't have to be that way, though. There are those who have found contentment in the simplest things, or in the complexity of their passions. These are the ones who do not hesitate to say that they are happy.
Happiness, at the end of it all, should be looking back and finding no regrets. It should be knowing that you can live with the choices you have made, no matter the outcome. And knowing that those choices help to get the people we love to their own happiness.
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