The weapons marking project was launched on Thursday by the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection with the support of the United Nations Regional Center for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC).
The objective of Unrec to combat terrorism and jihadism coincides with that of Togo, which is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, including the net reduction by 2030 of arms trafficking for development sustainable.
The system will identify the weapons held by criminal or terrorist groups, defense and security forces and the population. The project will also train staff responsible for managing and maintaining stocks and ammunition.
Yark Damehame, Minister of Safety and Emergency Preparedness, launched this project and said that this process will enable Togo to have a secure and reliable electronic database and a register of civilian weapons and marked wars, Rehabilitate the stores of government arms stocks.
Already in 2014, 9064 weapons were marked through a similar project financed by the Federal Republic of Germany.
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