Let me start by saying that a series of studies have been conducted on this matter but conflicting results have been arrived at. However, I will state my opinion on this matter.
For many of us, it is a no-brainer. We believe that at age 2-3, the child is too young to understand most of what is going around them to even take notice of your nudity and make much of it. Most women assume that they had only stopped breastfeeding the child a year or two ago so they would not attach any importance to bolum bolum on mummy’s chest.
However, many of us forget that the times have changed and children are much more exposed these days so they mature faster. Where you were when you were 6-7, is probably where your kid is at 4-5.
Furthermore, the way a child’s mind works is like a magnet. They capture what they see, even if they don’t understand it, and you never know which of these memories they will ponder on later having captured it. I have seen times when a child sees something from the previous day and says nothing, only to ask about it later on. This shows the child’s mind had been churning all along and when he couldn’t make sense of it, he had to ask. Some studies have shown that overexposure to parental nudity can overstimulate a child and lay the background for children with more liberal ideas about sex.
I am not saying if your kids (age 2-4) accidentally catch you in the nude, you should scold them. Instead, act normal so you don’t embed fear in them or make them feel anxious about nudity but do your best not to consciously prance around naked. It teaches them modesty and eliminates confusion that may arise or questions you may not be able to answer because they are too young.
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