Many of us want to be those hip parents who move with the times and are very modern. We hate to think that someone might look at us and think we are uncivilized because we spank our children. Some of us even go as far as calling spanking a barbaric act but I beg to differ. Indeed, your parenting style is all up to you but don’t opt for certain techniques just because you want to be the cool mom.
A Certain psychologist would say that spanking has led to some character traits in children such as low self-esteem, thinking that that hitting a person when angry is ok, heightened anxiety levels, inability to trust, depression etc. but then I was spanked as were many other people and they turned out okay. if a child grows up to exhibit any of these character traits it is simply because he or she was spanked as a child… please! The problem here, I think, is that we equate spanking to mercilessly beating a child. There is a fine line between spanking and abuse o.
A parent should never hit an underage child. What wrong could a one-year-old possibly do that you would beat him or her? A spank should always be commensurate with the age of the child. A very light tap on the back of the hand can send a message to your toddler.
Also, spanking does not mean hitting a child in anger. Do not vent out on you children. That is terrible parenting. Deal with your anger before spanking your kids else you might hurt them in the process or even send the wrong message.
Whenever you are spanking your kids, ensure that they know why they are being chastised. Don’t just beat the child and expect him/her to know what wrong has been committed.
Spanking does not make you barbaric!
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